The exciting sequel to Shadow: The Moonracer Chronicles
Life in the 24th century still has human trials despite technological advancements. Mankind has always sought to go faster and it takes bold, daring people to reach for those limits. They risk their lives in a perilous sport called Moonracing while those they love watch and pray for their safety. But things do not always go as planned.
A horrifying crash, a broken patient in a hospital bed, a troubled wife, a dying father, and a confrontational brother. We never think it can happen to us…until it does.
All roads ...
“This is not a drill!”
A young man wakes up to the sound of his alarm and the announcement blaring. Looking around the room, he realizes he is a member of a starship crew. There’s only one problem: he doesn’t remember who he is or how he got there. With no time to think, he finds his way to the bridge, while being careful not to call attention to his predicament.
The first problem is piecing together the puzzle of his missing memories to reveal his knowledge, rank, and friendships. Another problem is being stranded on an alien planet du ...