This is the unique story of how A.J. “Alonzo” Wind, retired Foreign Service Officer and international development executive, assumed the position of Mission Director for International Medical Corps in the occupied Palestinian territories, living in Gaza and East Jerusalem during 2022 and 2023. It offers a view into Gaza few have had, as an American Jew, as a Baha'i, as a humanitarian living under the threats of the interminable conflicts between Israel and Gaza. Mr. Wind lived through multiple escalations and Israeli counterstrikes, and negotiated a fine line of diplomacy and international ...
The Duty of Memory is the inspiring true story of twenty men and women, unsung heroes of the French underground. It depicts the personal journeys of each individual and helps the reader understand what motivated them to risk their lives and the lives of their families. It is about twenty people with twenty different driving forces.
Some of the resistants did nothing more than provide shelter for shot-down Allied Airmen. Others crashed through Nazi blockades and blew up railroad marshaling yards. Each fought a personal war to free France from Hitler’s occupat ...