Revenge Served Cold
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When vandals first began plaguing Skylar Bishop’s boutique winery in southeastern Arizona, she hoped it was just bored teenagers out for mischief. When it turned violent, she knew better. The middle of the night call confirmed her suspicions. Someone was trying to take revenge on her father by ruining her. But who was he? Why had he waited thirty years to come after her father? She’d been building her winery in New Haven for five years, why had he waited until now to exact his scheme of revenge?
Finding the man doing this won’t be easy; after all the authorities believe he’s dead. Who will look for him or even know who to look for? He’s managed to remake himself while staying under law enforcements’ radar. As the revenge escalates and becomes more violent, Deputy Greg Wilkenson has to keep Skylar and others he cares about safe from the unknown maniac. Will they figure it out in time?