Your Greatest Life, Overcoming Depression, Divorce, and Critical Illness
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Marion Grace
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Many of God’s people today feel they are drowning in problems and issues that they are desperate to overcome. Help may be hard to find because many of these issues are “untouchable” in religious circles; they are uncomfortable, embarrassing, or just too difficult to answer. Many people struggle through every day hiding what is tearing them apart inside because they fear being judged, condemned, or feeling inferior.
Marion confronts head-on some of these challenging issues, drawing from her own difficult experiences and what she put to work in her life to overcome, joyfully thrive, and become more than a conqueror. Her life experiences are woven through revelation she has received from God’s Word. Her story provides relatable, understandable illustrations, and a point of contact that will bring you tangible compassion and achievable answers.
Marion confronts head-on some of these challenging issues, drawing from her own difficult experiences and what she put to work in her life to not only overcome but joyfully thrive and become more than a conqueror. Her life experiences are woven through revelation she has received from God’s Word as relatable and understandable illustrations and a point of contact that will bring you tangible compassion and achievable answers.
If you find yourself in an impossible trial, then walk with Marion through this journey of hope, faith, understanding, and triumph. In the end, you will know that God has an answer and it is within your grasp. Lift your head, my friend, and get ready to soar with the eagles.