Micro-Blessings: Discovering Gratitude and Joy in Everyday Moments: Unlocking the Power of Recognizing and Appreciating Life's Small Miracles Featured
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M. Burch

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Skillfully written and keenly insightful, this book is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. In "Micro-Blessings: Discovering Gratitude and Joy in Everyday Moments," readers embark on a transformative journey to discover the overlooked wonders surrounding them daily. The book gently challenges the modern mindset of valuing only monumental successes and grand gestures by spotlighting the smaller, quieter moments that nourish our souls. The author underscores the power of micro-blessing by drawing upon heartwarming anecdotes, enlightening research, and age-old wisdom. Each chapter uncovers the beauty in the ordinary, from the peacefulness of a morning cup of tea to the laughter shared over a lost, then-found wallet. These micro-blessings are the unexpected keys to a fuller, happier life. But this book is more than just an exploration; it's an invitation. Through prompted exercises and actionable advice, readers are guided to review their own lives and analyze the silent or vocal prayers they say throughout their day, and in doing so, they'll find their micro-blessings peppered throughout their day, changing not only their perspective but also their experience of life. "Micro-Blessings" is not just a book; it's a movement. A movement away from the overwhelming pressures of grand achievements and towards a life rich in small, beautiful moments. Feeling frazzled, frantic, or fatigued? How ‘bout hassled and harried? Stressed out? This book is an invitation to pause, breathe, and simply be. It’s a chance to slow down. Re-focus. And recharge. “Micro-blessings” are “the minute wonders that envelop our everyday lives,” explains the author in this vibrant and vivid work. They are “the little things, the day-to-day events that might seem coincidental or insignificant but carry immense importance upon reflection.” So this book shows readers how “joy, wonder, and gratitude can be found in the most unassuming places.” And find them the author does in this finely crafted collection of reflections and ruminations. The text is enhanced by beautiful photos of nature and the hope and renewal contained therein as the author urges readers to “find beauty in every moment.” One of the strengths of this book is that the author skillfully weaves her own life story into the text in order to illustrate the main thesis. The tone is genuine and authentic as she explains that “blessings” don’t have to be large or grand. They can be small things, such as finding lost keys. Also that blessings may come from a wide variety of sources such as a loved one, a friend, or a stranger – at just the right moment. Indeed, this isn’t one of those fusty, dusty, pie-in-the-sky, bye-and-bye academic treatises that are long on blackboard theory and short on practical application. Nope. This is real life. It’s down to earth. As cool and refreshing as a cup of cool water on a scorching August afternoon. Using examples from her own experiences and everyday life, the author shows readers how to acknowledge and express gratitude for daily blessings. She also explains how we sometimes don’t recognize our blessings. But when we do, we feel better, are transformed, and see the world differently, with more positivity and greater joy. It also shows readers how to write down your blessings in order to recognize and appreciate them. This starts with a prayer and gratitude – a sample is provided – and then continues with step-by-step instructions for daily reflection and saying thank You. Ways in which gratitude helps reduce stress, worry, anxiety, depression, and improve sleep quality are also discussed. Also practical tips for cultivating a practice of gratitude. This includes short prayers to help one practice thanks. A 30 Day Mirco-Blessings Journal is provided to prompt “reflection, prayer, gratitude and personal growth.” Skillfully written and nimble, this book is both insightful and inspiring. The tone is warm and upbeat. Conversational. It’s like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Thoughtful, contemplative, and authentic, Micro-Blessings is the kind of tome you’ll want to reach for again and again. Maybe after an especially hectic or harried day. Or any time you just need to slow down and breathe. REVIEWED BY Kristine L.