I Love You...but Own Your Sh*t!...the Confessions and Evolution of a Trauma-kazi
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At no more significant time in history are we more aware of the trauma, suffering, and shitty pain people desperately try to work with. We hear the phrase, "Everyone is walking under a cloud — so be kind." This is true, and many are being kind. Yet many more are losing their shit like never before. We see it on social media, the news, and everywhere, watching meltdown after meltdown.
Swayed counts herself among those not able to own her shit. Until she did, it wasn't perfect. It still isn't, but it's better than what she was doing. She saw that there was a path forward — gradually transforming her suffering, making being around herself and others much more agreeable.
In this memoir-ish declaration, the author shares how it's possible to transform the crap of life and why it matters to put in this work. It's more than "being positive". It's about being more skillfully present to your whole life: the good, the bad, and, particularly, the ugly. If you are alive and breathing, you are going to suffer. You are probably suffering right now, but suffering need not have the last word and be the feature that most dominates your character, personhood, and humanity.
For many of us, how we suffered came at the hands of others, and they didn't own their shit either. It's time someone did. It's time for you to own it for your sake and for those who are around you. It's time for anyone interested in knowing how reframing suffering is possible. It's doable. It's more than within the realm of possibility.
Hers is a story that grabs you by the hand and takes you for a wild ride as she shares her childhood and adult suffering bluntly yet distinctly interlaced with humor. More importantly, she shares how she transcends her trauma-kazi birthright. "I Love You... but Own Your Sh*t! –The Confessions and Evolution of a Trauma-Kazi "is uplifting and an encouraging pat-on-the-back for anyone wondering if it's possible to own their shit.