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Eddie Wallach
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Student loan debt has ruined millions of people's lives by putting them into inescapable, indentured servitude. Chad Miller has decided to do something about it! Imagine... you did everything in life that you were supposed to do. You worked hard, went to college, got married, and looked forward to starting a family. Then, in a flash, it’s all taken from you. You lose everything because of a draconian debt system that a bunch of greedy, privileged elites put into place. Chad Miller never intended on becoming a serial killing, counter culture hero. However, desperation, depression, and overwhelming debt are known to alter a man’s train of thought. When Chad finds himself stuck in the middle of a recession, his entire existence changes. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Chad’s forced to quit medical school. With only minimum wage and part time jobs available, the Miller’s struggle begins. After the forbearance time runs out, Chad finds himself unable to afford his student loan payments. The high interest rate loans compound, balloon into an insurmountable mountain of debt, and wreck his credit. With credit checks in today’s job market, his chances of gainful employment are zilch. Likewise, finding a safe place to live is nearly impossible with bad credit. He’s even denied a passport to leave the country to try and seek out a better job market. Chad is now a debt slave. After Chad’s wages are garnished, his wife can’t take it anymore. Their lives spiral out of control. Stress drives him to the brink of insanity. Chad discovers that politicians, bankers, and wealthy business moguls \"purposely\" passed legislation that makes filing bankruptcy on student loans impossible. It was designed to create (unknowing) life long indentured servants out of all the poor and working class, to pay down the National debt... he’s not very happy! In this love, loss, dark humorous, revenge story, Chad achieves poetic justice like it’s never been seen before. Shot guns and sharks and plane crashes, oh my! “ Better than Dexter on Crack\" - \"I deeply recommend this for someone who likes black-hearted humor, twisted revenge tales, and dark twisted anti-heroes. Just don't expect to sleep for a bit afterwards, dreams may get disturbing.”... Ray, Audible Book Reviews, 5 STARS \"Damn good book. Great combination of storyline and violence. Eddie Wallach is an awesome storyteller.\"... Wade, Goodreads, 5 STARS “ College debt gone wrong ”... Mary, Audible Book Reviews, 5 STARS 5 STARS... Book Depository \"I was ecstatic to find out this is only book one. Please please please Mr. Eddie Wallach we need to keep this story going.\" ... Diego, Audible Book Reviews, 5 STARS \"I enjoyed this book. Will read more by this author.\"... Richard, Goodreads, 5 STARS 5 STARS, Linda, Goodreads \"THE INSIDIOUS STUDENT LOAN\"... \"We are presented with a detailed and depressing study of a young couple, Chad and Bel striving for the American Dream,